Change is never easy. Yet some are able to break out of their routine and succeed. Here are some steps to help you make a change in your life in order to become happier.
Step 1: Think about the things you want to change
Consider for a moment what makes you feel less happy? And what do you want more in your life? Do you seek mental or physical health or better relationships? Do you wish to have economical stability? What are your values, work-related dreams, personal hobbies and passions?
Step 2: Write all your targets down
It doesn't matter if these targets are big or small. As long as it's something you want to achieve, write it down.
If you have come up with only one large target that might seriously change your whole life (I want to be a millionaire), write down smaller goals to reach this target (In January I will write down my earnings and spendings, in February I will set up a saving plan...)
If you have come up with only one large target that might seriously change your whole life (I want to be a millionaire), write down smaller goals to reach this target (In January I will write down my earnings and spendings, in February I will set up a saving plan...)
Step 3: Pick and choose your goals
The goal is to have one reachable goal for every month. So choose from your targets those which are achievable. You can't earn a million in just one month (unless you win the lottery) but you can start saving for your future.
When choosing your targets, think about these questions: How much does it mean to me to achieve this goal? What would my life be like, if I never try reaching this target? What other opportunities might I get by completing this?
When choosing your targets, think about these questions: How much does it mean to me to achieve this goal? What would my life be like, if I never try reaching this target? What other opportunities might I get by completing this?
Step 4: Make a 12 month calendar of your goals
Pick your goal for each month, write it in your calendar and set your calendar up somewhere where you will see it daily.
Under your goal, write down small actions for every month and day, that help you achieve the goal you've chosen. If you want to start saving, make plans to visit your banker, or search for new earning methods.
You can have various goals throughout the year and they don't all have to be focused on one and the same main target. As long as this is something important you want to achieve, it doesn't matter if you spend one month playing the piano every day and another learning a new language.
What matters is that it is important to you.
What matters is that it is important to you.
The point of this exercise is that once you've done something for a month, it will become part of your habits. And it's always good to have more positive habits. Go ahead, give it a try. What do you have to loose?
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