Rahaa takaisin ostoksistasi - Ostohyvitys.fi

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

My personal experience of PTCs

PTC, get paid to click, or as i like to call them, pain in the c...

Who wouldn't want a couple of dollars free by just watching some ads. You don't even have to really watch them, just click and spend the rest of your time looking at the TV.

Well, I tried one of the more reliable sites called Paidverts. When they tell you to be patient in the beginning, they really mean it. How long can one click on ads that actually pay you 0,0001 dollars?

Watch one hundred of them and congrats, you've just earned ten cents! And it only took you the entire week and your sanity.

I even tried cheating by buying myself some personal ads and getting the money started. Unless you're willing to invest more than ten dollars into this, the benefit is near than nothing.

So no, I decided my time (and your) is more valuable than the dime I earned after investing ten. Do not waste you time with these unless you're in an utterly boring and desperate situation. And even then, you can always go play with the c. Meaning my cleavage.

IMPORTANT UPDATE!! PayPal has disabled cash outs from Paidverts indefinitely. Also, you can't set up your own ad campaign leading to a page that is owned by Google or Facebook.

So, if you still want to give Paidverts a try, use some other cachet account than PayPal and don't advertise your blogspot-page.

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