Once you start earning money online, you will need a place to store it for further use. I personally recommend using PayPal, since it is reliable, widely accepted and easy to use. Here's a quick guide to get you started.
1. Go to www.paypal.com
2. Click Sign up on the upright corner
3. Select from the 2 types of account Personal Account
4. Next, input your country, e-mail and personal password. The password needs to be 8 characters long. Note, use your correct country and personal e-mail. We're talking money here, you will want your money to come to you so no cheating! Also, you will be using this e-mail for receiving and requesting money.
5. Enter you contact information and agree to terms of use.
6. Add your personal credit card information. You can always do this later, but once it's done you won't have to bother with it anymore.
You're set!
Now you can send or receive money.
1. Go to www.paypal.com
2. Click Sign up on the upright corner
3. Select from the 2 types of account Personal Account
4. Next, input your country, e-mail and personal password. The password needs to be 8 characters long. Note, use your correct country and personal e-mail. We're talking money here, you will want your money to come to you so no cheating! Also, you will be using this e-mail for receiving and requesting money.
5. Enter you contact information and agree to terms of use.
6. Add your personal credit card information. You can always do this later, but once it's done you won't have to bother with it anymore.
You're set!
Now you can send or receive money.
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