Rahaa takaisin ostoksistasi - Ostohyvitys.fi

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Save those pennies!

Here are some great tips how to easily save a little here and there. Give it a try and pick your favorite!

Home care

  1. Buy toilet paper and hand towels in bigger bulk packages and preferably on sale.
  2. Don't waste money on plastic bags, use reusable fabric bags
  3. Use the bottom of washing soaps by adding warm water to them.
  4. Only wash full loads of laundry.
  5. Plug electronic appliances off when not using them. You may also want to attach them on an extension cord which has an off-switch.
  6. Maintain your shoes, sewing machine, bicycle and other on a regular basis to extent their mileage.
  7. If you need furniture or clothes, don't buy them new from a store, but rather ask around. Your friends might have some extra stuff they don't need or you might do some great finds at flea markets.


  1. Don't color your hair. Instead get some highlights, they don't require as much maintaining and are cheaper. 
  2. Have a friend or find a friend of a friend to cut your hair. 
  3. Enjoy your natural beauty and don't spend too much on make up. Only use some key items. 
  4. Think outside the box when using beauty products. For example coconut oil gives great taste to your food but is also extremely good for your skin and hair. 
  5. Never turn down a free sample!


  1. Invest in quality clothing that is timeless and rather set up a collection than buy separate items.
  2. Mend your clothing whenever possible.
  3. Buy online.
  4. Recycle children's clothing in your community.
  5. Take advantage on season sales or other sales and buy shoes and clothes well in advance for next summer/ winter.

Food and drink

  1. Prepare your own meals
  2. Pack your lunch for work
  3. Cultivate your backyard with edible salads, herbs and potatoes.
  4. Make a trip to the forest and gather berries and mushrooms.
  5. Enjoy drinking water and stop wasting your money on alcohol
  6. Buy meat on sale and put it in the freezer
  7. Buy also other freezable products on sale or bulk.
  8. Make your own bread, it's easy and much more tastier.
  9. Concentrate your grocery shopping on one day in the week. Plan for the entire next week and make a list. Don't buy anything that's not on the list.
  10. Don't waste food. This can also be prevented by planning ahead.
  11. Reduce your visits to coffee shops and minimize eating out.

Moving around

  1. Don't own a car. It will save you a lot
  2. Use public transportation or walk and bicycle shorter distances.
  3. Borrow or rent a car for longer distances. Occasional use of taxis is cheaper on a yearly basis than owning your own car.

Entertainment and hobbies

  1. Go to bars only twice a year. Optionally, don't get wasted but enjoy fewer drinks with more pleasure.
  2. Instead of talking on the phone, use cheaper options like Skype or online messages.
  3. There are plenty of free activities like reading or free events.
  4. Why bother buying newspapers when you can read them at your local library. Libraries also have plenty of movies and even might carry games or tools to borrow.
  5. Exercise at home and get your instructor online. YouTube carries various videos for every need.
  6. Take a walk or start jogging.

Economic thinking

  1. Don't buy anything on an impulse, it won't give you happiness.
  2. When buying, buy quality.
  3. Create a simple budget on Excel, write your savings and spendings down to follow your money usage.
  4. Set up a separate account (or two!) and transfer money immediately on payday. Only leave enough for groceries and a small sum for spending.
  5. Find pleasure in saving rather than spending.

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