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Monday, July 20, 2015

Save $50 every day, that makes almost $20 000 a year!

Putting just a little bit of money away every day, makes up for a whole bunch by the end of the year. Here are 15 ways to save $50 every day. Do them all or just a few, it'll still add up.

1. Exchange favors with friends

Have children, but don't want to spend a fortune on babysitters? Make an arrangement with a friend in the same situation, so you can watch over each others precious pearls (and even have a fun sleepover for the kids!). Do this on a monthly base! Spending time with your significant other is a priceless treasure.

2. Buy from thrift stores

Keep a list of things you need, but not right away. Then, just keep your eyes open. Visit thrift stores, garage sales or even use local Facebook groups. You never know, where you might find something necessary for a bargain.

3. Pay a visit to your library

Libraries are one of the best places on earth! They are full of books and magazines but also movies and music. Some even offer access to their e-library, so you don't have to leave your home. Why would you even want to buy a book, when there's a high chance you can get it for free.

4. Drink fewer fancy coffees

It's always nice to grab a hot cup of coffee on the go and maybe splurge with a little whipped cream or syrup, but did you realize how much a cup here and there will cost you on the long run? One fancy coffee is about $7 per cup, have one twice a week and you'll spend over $50 per month just on coffee! I'm not saying you should ditch your coffee altogether (I would never say that!) but how about buying lesser coffees from coffee shops and brewing more coffees at home. You might even buy a fancy travel mug and some nice syrup and mix your own fancy coffees. This way you can enjoy even more coffee and spend even less!

5. Conserve water

Here are the numbers. A family of four will save $11 a year and 240 gallons a month just by turning off the water when brushing their teeth. They will save $8 a year and 2130 gallons a year if they only run a full washing machine. When washing dishes, rinsing them all at once saves 10 gallons a wash and $27 a year. A low-flow showerhead (which costs about $10) saves 50 gallons per shower and $271 a year. Finally fixing all household leaks saves about 10,000 gallons a year and $37. Have you added it up? It's $354 a year.. almost $1 a day. And it's all good for the environment too.

6. Recycle

Save those empty bottles and cans, you will get money from them. Let your firneds know, that if they want to throw money away, you'll be glad to take it.

7. Cook in bulk

We all know buying food is expensive. Use a grocery list when shopping to avoid extra spendings, but you can also save by couponing and cutting back on meat. Now, when you cook in bulk, you'll make enough meals to serve you and your family for several days. You can also freeze tasty and oven-ready meals for later. This'll stop you from grabbing fast food on the way home when you're too tired to cook.

8. Make your own lunch

This closely relates to the previous advice to cook in bulk. You may easily cook your own food for just a dollar or two per serving. There aren't any restaurants that can possibly match that offer. You'll easily spend at least twice as much, when you grab a meal on the go.

9. Put your spare change in a jar

It's always the small things that add up. Every time you fins a penny, put it in a jar. You'll be surprised how fast that penny grows and soon you'll be singing all the way to the bank.

10. Use less laundry detergent

Chances are, no one will notice. The recommended amount stated on the bottle is actually quite high, so give it a try and use a little bit less and still a bit lesser. Half of the amount is enough. Believe me, your clothes will come out just as clean. Without excessive chemicals straining the colors out, you'll probably be able to wear your clothes even longer.

11. Check out Freecycle and other social media groups

Freecycle is a site referring to local yahoo groups in which people can give away stuff they don't need. Also be sure to check, if there is a local Facebook group near you. Usually prices are a lot less and people are so happy to get rid of stuff they don't need, you might even get it for free.

12. Show of your natural beauty

Get your hair cut less often and use fewer make up. Instead of getting a haircut every 6 weeks, try going every 8 weeks. This will literally cut out 2 haircuts a year. Have a friend or friend of a friend, who can cut hair? Even better, go for a discount. Or find a good salon and make a continuous appointment. They might just throw in a small discount for a lasting customer.

13. Choose your cable plan carefully

Avoid cable movie rentals and go for Red Box or free library rentals. Avoid high definition channels and settle for basic viewing options. Avoid premium channels and go for Netflix or Hulu. Don't just accept automatic bill increases, contact customer service and ask for a detailed statement. Let them know, you'll be happy to switch to a more affordable operator and you might even get a discount.

14. Replace your old appliances...

Because of new energy efficient appliances replacing a washer which is from 1994 or older will save you $110 a year.

15. ... but not your car

New cars are expensive. Owning an old car will save you over $1600 every year. So don't just change it, because you want something prettier. If it takes you from A to B, it'll save you the price of a new one.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

7 habits of highly effective people

People who take up a task, have a goal or just want to start a new habit have something in common. 

1. A support network

Make friends to meet, share victories and comfort in setbacks.A like-minded friend is a powerful motivation force. Surround yourself with people pursuing similar goals. 

2. Goals

Have specific goals, that are measurable. Establish a time frame for accomplishing them. 

3. Keeping track

Write down everything you do to achieve your goals. Use any system you're comfortable with: a computer, phone or calendar. Not only does it help you to make sure you're on track. It will motivate you even further and you'll be looking forward to writing down what you've done today. 

4. Planning ahead

Schedule is everything. Plan ahead, so you won't get lost. 

5. Reasonable expectations

Accept, that there are times when you won't be able to give your everything. If you'll do even a little, you can feel proud. If you don't do anything, that's fine too. Don't give up, just accept the situation and decide to push through it. 

6. Consistency

Make a plan you can stick to. Don't have too radical changes, that you're unable to complete. Rather strive for small challenges that are sustainable on the long run. 

7. Finding the larger value

You deserve to be happy. You should do things that make you feel good. Make taking care of yourself your top priority and find goals that help you succeed in this. 

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Be a Winner not a Loser part 2.

What successful people think and how you should also be thinking. 

1. I will do that, because no one else wants to

An easy way to stand out is to do things other people don't do. Pick something people are unwilling to do and just do it. You'll instantly stand out. 

Keep doing something different every day and eventually you'll become that special person, who can do all those things no one else knows how to. 

2. It's not so bad

Nothing is ever as hard or as scary as we think it is. Overcoming your fears is empowering. 

Boost your confidence by doing something a little scary every day. In the process you'll also learn how to overcome any problem. 

3. I can take one small step every day to reach my goal

Pick a plans, have a goal, dream up an idea. Don't let hesitation and uncertainty stop you from reaching for that idea. Just take one step and walk closer to your goal. 

4. I'm listening

Confident people don't feel the need to talk all the time. Sometimes it's better to focusing on listening what the other person says rather than trying to think up good subjects to talk about. Sometimes it's even better to enjoy the silence between you. You never know what rises out of it. 

5. I don't have to care about what other people think

At least not if it stands in the way of living the life you want to live. Those, who are truly innovative, are always called crazy. Those who succeed, don't let those naysayers bring them down. 

6. I'll show those who have insulted me

Hearing someone  say you can't do something, is a great motivator to prove them wrong. Take those insults and let them fuel you up to achieve what you want. 

7. I'll let it go even if it's not perfect

Realize that nothing is ever perfect. Work hard and aim to do something great. Then, let it go. There are always dozens of opposite opinions telling you what to do. Being able to separate actual improvements from opinions is crucial. Getting your work out is even more important, you haven't accomplished anything before letting it go. Trust, that you can still continue working hard to overcome any shortcomings. 

8. I can do better

Don't expect to be perfect. Focus on what can be better. Take responsibility of your actions and promise yourself you will do a lot better. 

9. I'll work harder than the others

You may have a series of disadvantages, like lack of experience, money or talent, hindering you from achieving your goals. However, you can always work hard and focus on your goal. Experience, talent and money will follow. 

10. I am happy

All the fortune in the world doesn't matter, if you're not content doing the work it takes to achieve it.

This is your life. Live it so, that you're happy most of the time. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Make money laying on your back

Helion has new evaluations available. Sign up now and apply to complete some Mystery Shopping for Tempur. Take your spouse and start trying out those mattresses. Please note, this offer is valid only in Finland, so offers in your country might vary.

Helion will send you a notification via e-mail once there are available tasks near you.

I've written about Helion before and trust me, it's an easy and fun company to work for. Just click the link below and sign up right now!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Show your opinion

How about sharing your opinion and getting paid for it? Here are some places to do just that!

Earn cash and rewards! Just complete various online surveys and receive points you can redeem for cash (PayPal) or a gift voucher (Amazon, iTunes...). Surveys vary from electronics to politics and sports or home appliances. Signing up is free. 
Once you finish a survey, you'll also get entered into the quarterly prize draw to win $10,000!

This site offers different ways to earn money. You might read emails, take surveys, watch videos and even try new products. Each offer has a dollar amount stated, so you can choose tasks that maximize your income.