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Sunday, November 15, 2015

Mystery shopping on the PHONE

Mystery shopping made easy. Work from the conveniency of your own home. 

Only occasional openings for telephone mystery shoppings. 

Fast and reliable paying via PayPal. 

Healthcare mystery shopping in particular locations.

Starts with smaller assignments. 

Mostly calling different businesses. 

Mystery Shopping - list of companies

Mystery shopping is a great way to earn some extra money. Some even make their entire living out of mystery shopping. Either way, give it a try. Here's a list of companies with good reputation.

Restaurants and hotels. In North America only. Pays via paper check. 

Operates in different countries. Pays via PayPal. 

Amusement park shops in the US and Canada.

Featured in Oprah!

Works with big companies in the US, Canada and Mexico. Pays via PayPal. 

I highly recommend this. First of all, it's worldwide, so anyone can join! Second, there are great tasks which give you free food and gas. I mean, who doesn't wan't free food and gas! If there's one company to try, pick this!

Works with several fast food shops. Pays via check or bank account.